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Kakejiku Inspired Dateless Calendar with wooden hanger
  • Kakejiku Inspired Dateless Calendar with wooden hanger

    掛け軸風日付なしカレンダー 国産ブナ木製ハンガー付


    2020年に発売されたJapan's four seasons - 2021 calendar。大好評に終わったこのカレンダーが、日付のない掛け軸風カレンダーとして帰ってきました。



    もともと掛け軸は字の名の如く「掛けて拝する」という意味の 元、仏教を広める物の一つとして飛鳥時代(592-710年)に 中国より流入し、日本文化と融合したことで国内でも広く知られるようになりました。

    茶道とともにできあがった掛け軸には昔から引き継がれて いる多くの様式がありますが、この掛け軸風カレンダーは、そんな歴史ある掛け軸を現代の生活様式に合うようアレンジしています。

    日本の文様にインスパイアを受けた各月の絵柄を通して、 美しい日本の季節の移ろいを感じることができるこのカレンダーは、日付がないので年を選ぶことがなく、丁寧に扱うことで毎年楽しむことができます (*永久に使用できることを保証する物ではありません)。


    With our new Kakejiku Inspired Dateless Calendar, we have brought back our popular Japanese-style 2021 calendar in an updated form.This new calendar is influenced by the style of a Japanese hanging scroll called Kakejiku.

    You can enjoy the designs inspired by Japanese patterns for each month. When the season arrives, carefully flip the pages without tearing them and keep them for future use. This way, you can use the calendar again.

    Be careful not to apply too much pressure or pull too hard when tearing off the calendar pages, as it is a delicate piece of artwork. It is not waterproof, so be careful not to expose it to water. Be extra careful when choosing where to hang the product, as it may discolour if exposed to direct sunlight.

    Click here for details about the wooden hanger.


    Product image for illustration purposes only. Actual product may vary.




    • 商品発送納期|Estimated time of delivery and shipping fee



      Domestic delivery and shipping: takes about 4-5days from order to delivery.

      International delivery and shipping:

      PLEASE NOTE, due to COVID-19 significant delays are expected on all online orders, Delivery to some countries, including the United States and Australia, could take a few months.If you have any queries please message us.


      The United States of America / Australia / New Zealand: 2-3 months (seamail only) / 20-30US Dollars, 35 AUS Dollars 〜 by sea mail

      Europe: 20-30 days / 20-25euro〜 by Japan Post

    • 返品について|Returns


      We do not accept returns or exchanges. Please veiw our Return policy for futher information.

    • 発送方法 | Wrapping method


      The product will be rolled up and shipped in an original original kiri (paulownia) wood

    • 商品詳細 | Specifications

      Materials: S Kinbishi (FSC認証紙を使用しています)
      Size: 297x 750 mm /12 sheets
      Printed by Sun M Color Ltd. 

      Wooden hanger:
      Size: W320 x H20 x D20 mm / 84g / 2pieces / magnets 
      Materials: 新潟県による取組み「スノービーチ」の木を使用しています  Wood from Snow Beech, a project by Niigata Prefecture to sustainably manage and utilise domestic beech trees, was used.
      Made by Storio corp.

      Made in JAPAN

      *The product is not waterproof. As this is a delicate work, please be careful not to apply strong force or pull it excessively when turning it over.

      *Be careful not to apply too much pressure or pull too hard when turning it over, as it is a delicate piece of artwork. It is not waterproof, so be careful not to expose it to water. Be extra careful when handling the product as it may discolor if exposed to direct sunlight.


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